Design Focus
Engrafik is a design studio focused on wayfinding strategy, supported by exceptional design, with the goal of enhancing the visitor experience. Whether it is a cultural institution, sports arena, healthcare center, or your office building—well thought-out signage and graphics can enhance a visitor’s impression and reflect the professionalism of your organization—building on the perceptions you have worked so hard to build.
A Strategic Approach to Wayfinding
We take a strategic approach to wayfinding and consider all the visual cues, visitor expectations, impediments, mixed messages, and distractions that affect wayfinding.
Time becomes a critical factor
For a theater, “when” is as an important question as “where.” Pre-show activities, the rush shortly before the curtain goes up, intermission, and then exiting all require special messages. Digital signage is a great way to display changing information.
Making the complex simple
One city block and five stories tall, finding your way around this library required a structured approach to information, breaking down the detail as the visitor progresses through the building. A library has as many potential destinations as it does books. Simplifying the pathway was critical.
Two halves make a whole
Downtown Sturgeon Bay sits on either side of the bay, effectively dividing it in half. Knowing which side to park your car was a critical step in wayfinding for visitors..
A big do-over
Adding a fifth building with three separate patient towers, it became obvious to the team that the existing wayfinding strategy wasn’t going to cut it. We recommended a comprehensive solution that meant renaming and renumbering the entire campus. Success made it all worthwhile.